Estudio de las representaciones sociales de la educación ambiental en estudiantes de la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas
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Through the analysis of circulating SRs in the environmental field, social practices are explained from the different conceptions of the environment that societies possess, as well as from the epistemological paradigms that sustain them. Recognizing the importance of stories and oral tradition in native cultures, the incorporation of story analysis for Environmental Education (EE) is proposed as an inquiry strategy for the identification of SR of EE.
The present research work has had as its main intention, the study of the social representations of environmental education (SR-EE) that students of the Intercultural University of Chiapas (UNICH) have. The interest in carrying out this work arises from recognizing the UNICH as an opportune space to study the SR of the environment about the socio-cultural matrices of belonging. In the study group, 50.3% of young university students come from one of the thirteen original cultures of Chiapas, and due to exclusion conditions that indigenous populations have historically suffered, most of them represent the first generation of their family with access to university studies
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