How to develop a road cycling tourism destination. Girona as a case study

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Road cycle tourism is a modality of cycling which, by virtue of its characteristics, can contribute to the de-seasonalising of tourist demand in destinations with very rigidly marked tourist seasons. In addition, it can favour the decentralisation of tourist and recreational activities, moving them away from urban centres towards the rural periphery, and promote the inclusion of new tourist agents. Despite the growth and benefits of this tourism product, it is still insufficiently researched. This being so, in terms of the management and promotion of destinations, it is worth arriving at a fuller understanding of how to develop this model of cycle tourism from the suppliers’ perspective. Bearing in mind the points mentioned above, the present study set out to evaluate the conditions and factors involved in the successful development of a tourist destination for road cycling and to analyse the attractiveness of the particular tourist destination referred to. With that in mind, the article seeks to shed light on the significance of road cycling for tourism purposes and to develop a value-based system which can be used in the planning for road cycling in tourist destinations. Management implications: 1. Road cycling tourism can contribute to the de-seasonalising of tourist demand. 2. Conditions and factors involved in developing a road cycling tourist destination: geography, climate and transport connectivity are the main conditions involved.3. Professional cyclists can contribute to develop a road cycling tourist destination. 4. Planners must identify the specific needs of this segment to configure provision. 5. Specialised tourist services are necessary to support road cycling tourism. 6. Road cycling tourism can boost the emergence of related businesses and services. 7. Tourism products should connect tourist attractions with cyclists' interests. 8. Cycling infrastructure and road education must be part of the development. 9. Road cyclist tourists are consumers with medium to high level purchasing power. 10. Ambassadors and cycling-related brands can help improve destination's positioning ​
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