Diversity and Childhood: Position Paper

The project Diversity and Childhood (DaC) is an EU funded project which started on October 1st, 2019 and finished on September 30th 2021. Its main aim was to address violence against LGBTI and gender non-conforming children, particularly in a context where children’s views and experiences are often overlooked. It did so by looking at children’s lives through a broad lens, which is the reason why the project focused on five spheres of children’s lives: health, education, family, public space, and media. The DaC project has been applied in 9 different countries by 10 different project partners: in Belgium (by Çavaria), in Croatia (by Zagreb Pride), in Greece (by KMOP), in Hungary (by the Hátter Society), in Lithuania (by the Lithuanian Gay League), in Poland (by Lambda Warsaw), in Portugal (by CES-UC), in Slovenia (by the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana), and in Spain (by the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Girona, as project coordinator) ​
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