Desenvolupament d’un videojoc de supervivència

Ramos Moreso, Jaume
The survival video game genre has been going through a very good time lately, with many titles being released on the market. and many titles are being released on the market. This increase in popularity of this genre has meant that video game studios have had to innovate in new titles in order to offer different to be able to offer different experiences to the players, making the genre evolve from surviving on a deserted island to a from surviving on a deserted island or in a forest, to being able to choose different settings such as the ocean (Subnautica), space (No Man's Sky) or Norse mythology (Valheim), among many others. It was decided to do an end-of-degree project related to the region of Terres de l'Ebre. Terres de l'Ebre region, specifically the Ribera d'Ebre, as this is the place where the participants come from, and we wanted to give visibility to this region. the participants, and the aim was to give visibility to this area of Catalonia that is only known only known for nuclear power plants, landfills or solar macro-projects. We also wanted to show what life was like life in this area at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, as it had changed a lot in just a few years, and the changed a lot in just a few years, and younger people do not know how their grandparents lived. For these reasons it was decided to implement a video game that takes advantage of some of the basic mechanics of survival games. basic mechanics of survival games to explain to players what life was like in the villages of the Ribera during the last century, introducing traditional techniques, resources and tools and explaining how they worked. traditional tools and explaining how they worked. ​
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