Grape stalk and coffee polyphenolic extracts administration as new pharmacological strategies to modulate spinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain in mice
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More than half of spinal cord injury patients develop central neuropathic pain, which is largely refractory to current treatments. Developing neuropathic pain has a high impact on the quality of life becoming an emotional, social and economic problem. This implies that it is currently an unmet medical need to find new therapeutic strategies to alleviate the neuropathic pain development after spinal cord injury, without severe side effects. Among potential pharmacological strategies the use of polyphenols can be highlighted since preclinical evidences show that polyphenolic compounds may exert antinociceptive effects. In this context, this doctoral thesis has aimed to study the preventive and analgesic effects of two polyphenolic plant extracts in spinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain development in mice and to compare it with the effects of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), one of the most studied polyphenols in the field of neuropathic pain. The two polyphenolic extracts were obtained from grape stalk and roasted decaffeinated coffee powder, which are vegetal compounds known to be polyphenols-rich natural sources. The results have shown that treatments with polyphenolic plant extracts of grape stalk or coffee have preventive and analgesic effects on spinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain by modulating not only the reflexive pain responses such as hyperalgesia or allodynia but also the non-reflexive pain responses such as depression and anxiety. The results obtained also showed that these compounds not only exert their effects at the site of injury by modulating both gliosis and central sensitisation-related expression markers but also on supraspinal or brain structures closely associated with central neuropathic pain expression and modulation
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