L'eminència grisa: biografia, singularitat i influència d'Amadeu Hurtado i Miró (1875-1936)

Safont i Plumed, Joan
This research aims to reconstruct the biography of the lawyer, politician, and journalist Amadeu Hurtado, to put him back in his place as the protagonist of the history of the first third of the twentieth century in Catalonia. As we have can show, thanks to unpublished documentation and an exhaustive research work in newspaper archives and archives, Hurtado played a absolutly relevant role from the political, legal, journalistic, intellectual and citizen point of view, beyond his role as a witness and memorialist. An early Republican, with a particular and modern conception of Catalanism, Amadeu Hurtado evolved from a radical youth to the liberal centre, in parallel with the rise of his social prestige as a lawyer and intellectual. Although he held various political positions –such as deputy or minister– and having been offered many others, he was aware of the effectiveness and the new power of the media, and he preferred to influence from the press of Barcelona and Madrid. The research we present seeks to trace its uniqueness and influence, while tracing its intellectual biography ​
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