Recomendaciones del uso de antimicrobianos en heridas crónicas
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This article, based on GNEAUPP Technical Paper No. VIII, updates some concepts related to antimicrobials and adds new therapeutic tools to prevent and fight against one of the most important factors that prevent wound healing: problems related to microorganisms, classically infection and now also the impact of biofilms. The GNEAUPP's own evidence grading system is used, which classifies the strength of the recommendation as high, moderate or low. The antimicrobials analyzed in terms of their mode of action, commercial presentation, recommendations for use, contraindications and effectiveness on biofilm are: alcohol, chlorhexidine, sodium hypochlorite, octenidine, silver and iodophors. Also the effects of the so-called antibiofilm agents, although most of them have been performed in vitro. Finally, a series of recommendations are made to researchers to generate new evidence related to antimicrobials and their clinical applicability