Turismo de base comunitaria: perspectivas para el desarrollo sostenible de destinos rurales en México

The development of community tourism has been considered essential for sustainable practices due to its ability to benefit the local population while reducing the negative impacts of tourism. Faced with this circumstance at the government level, strategies have been formulated to promote tourism activity within local communities, considering that this sector represents an opportunity to promote development in both well-known and tourist destinations, as well as in those that do not have with a tourist influx but have the potential to become one of them. For this, this research has as its main objective to answer the question: Can community-based tourism contribute to the sustainable development and tourism of the most disadvantaged communities? One of the purposes of this research work is to help improve destination planning and management by adapting tourist destinations to the community members rather than to consumers. In this context, it is intended to determine how local agri-food products and beverages can contribute to improving the economic and environmental sustainability of tourism and the host community by promoting sustainable agricultural practices, supporting local businesses and building a tourism strategy that can benefit the region attracting more visitors and local investment. On the other hand, this research seeks to develop the theoretical basis of the indicator system and how it can be used in regions where gastronomy plays an important role in rural and isolated destinations. Finally, this thesis is a compendium of three publications, which implies that the research has been developed in three phases, corresponding to each of the three articles. The methodology will present the different phases of the investigation. Each of the articles contributes to responding to the objectives set out in this research, but at the same time, each of them has a series of specific objectives that are indicated throughout this document ​
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