La salud mental de las personas con trastorno psicótico desde una perspectiva positiva, multidimensional y de recuperación

Broncano Bolzoni, Miriam
Objective: To evaluate the mental health perception from a positive, multidimensional and recovery perspective in people with psychotic disorder. Methodology: A multicentre, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational, psychometric study of Catalonia. The sample consisted of 347 patients diagnosed with a psychotic disorder. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were considered as well as variables related to positive mental health (PMH), to recovery, to subjective well-being, insight and to functional capacity. Results: Compared to patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, patients with early psychosis obtained higher scores in PMH, recovery, subjective well-being and functional capacity, but they scored lower in level of insight. PMH had positive correlations with recovery, subjective well-being and functional capacity, and negatively with insight. Conclusions: The results can guide care programs more focused on the positive side of mental health in people with psychotic disorder ​
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