Unraveling the success of invaders: biotic and abiotic factors determining the invasibility of Mediterranean benthic assemblages by Caulerpa cylindracea
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Biological invasions have become one of the most pervasive threats to native ecosystems worldwide, causing species extinctions, disrupting the functioning of ecosystems, altering the provision of critical ecosystem services and causing great economic costs. Unfortunately, the future looks far for promising as the number of invasions is expected to continue increasing, something that inevitably will go associated with greater impacts to native ecosystems. Still, there is some hope, as several mechanisms and characteristics from the receiving habitat can influence the success of non-native species, causing many invasions to fail and limiting the abundance and the negative impacts of already established invaders. Thus, there is an increasing interest in understanding how these mechanisms influence the success of invaders in order to find successful management interventions that could foster the resilience of native habitats towards invaders. Surprisingly, however, this knowledge is still quite limited, particularly in marine systems, where invasions have been largely understudied.
In this thesis, given that marine algae are one of the most conspicuous and successful invaders, we aim to unravel some of the mechanisms influencing the success and the invasiveness of algae species by using Caulerpa cylindracea, one of the most successful and harmful marine invaders worldwide, as a model organism. Specifically, we intend: i) to determine whether biotic mechanisms can limit the success of the invader and influence its long-term dynamics, and ii) to assess the role of abiotic factors and disturbance events on the invasiveness of the species, something particularly relevant considering the current scenario of global change.
Overall, the results of this thesis provide an integrated view of some of the mechanisms and factors influencing the success and the long-term dynamics of C. cylindracea in the Mediterranean Sea
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