Education and Society: Expectations, Prescriptions, Reconciliations: Proceedings of ECER 2021 NW 29. Research on Arts Education: Geneva (online), 6 -10 September, 2021
This book presents a compilation of twelve contributions presented at ECER 2021, held as online conference. The different contributions have been grouped into three thematic sections with four articles each. 1) The first one, 'Artistic methods in research', presents works in which arts have been used during the process of research with communites. They invite us to reflect in how sometimes art can be very powerful to stablish other kind of relations and engagement with participants than with more traditional methods in research. 2) The second section, 'Innovative estrategies for enhacing teaching', allows us to draw a map of current questions and concerns of teachers in their practices and training, proposing advices and recommendations in the fields of visual arts and music. 3) The last chapter of this book, called 'Posthumanism in learning and teaching practices', introduces us to posthuman theories and in which way they are being put at work in research