Monitoratge de la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal en la pràctica clínica mitjançant marcadors de la microbiota intestinal en mostres fecals. Estudi prospectiu
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The gut microbiota (GM) plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of gut homeostasis, and the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which includes Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The degree of IBD activity, and therefore of inflammation, modifies the composition of the GM towards an altered pattern called dysbiosis This IBD-dysbiosis pattern is different from healthy individuals (HI). The degree of dysbiosis is a good indicator of IBD disease activity and could be useful in monitoring IBD disease activity.
The AIM of this study is to quantify the degree of IBD diysbiosi of the GM, and determine the utility as a biomarker for monitoring IBD disease compared with HI. METHODS: 80 prospective IBD patients from a cohort of 2 tertiary hospitals from Catalonia (Girona and Vic) have been included. As a clinical practice study, we included patients with clinical Remission, defined as Fecal Calprotectin (FC) levels <250 µg/gr., and Activity (defined as FC >250 µg/gr.) with mild to moderate disease. A blood sample (to determinate RCP, albumin and haemoglobin (Hb) levels) and stool sample (to determinate Faecal calprotectin (FC) and GM analysis) have been collected. Of the fecal samples, DNA was extracted using real-time qPCR) techniques and 3 bacterial groups (Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (FP), Escherichia coli (EC) and total eubacteria (TE), that are highly representative of GM dysbiosis degree, were analyzed. An index called FEI has been created to quantify GM dysbiosis. Data has been collected from Endoscopic IBD index (SES-CD and Mayo score), clinical IBD activity index (HBI and SCCAI) and quality of life index (IBD-Q) along with standard analytical disease activity markers (Hb,PCR,CP and Alb) in order to compare with microbial markers (FEI). The duration of this study is 6 months (every three months samples, T0, T1 and T2))
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