La problemática de los usos del suelo no urbanizable
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The aim of this thesis is to analyse, study and evaluate the different problems that have arise from the uses that have been authorised on undeveloped land, derived from the urban planning regulations that preceded them, and the reason for their tireless modifications without having achieved the objectives set out in the preamble of each of these regulations. The present article comments on the problems that exist from the judicial sphere to the execution of these regulations. Nowadays there is a latent problems, derived from multiple factors; either because of the short life of the majority of laws and plans, which are approved in this area; or because it is a legal discipline in constant change; and thirdly, because town Planning is created from ethics and politics, and this is also one of its greatest disadvantages. And from these factors also derive different crises that are exposed, such as the economic, socio-political and environmental ones
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