Los Servicios Sociales como marco organizacional para la participación de las familias

Arranz, Marta
Canals, Xavier
Social Services as the Sixth Social Protection System of the Welfare State is the organi - zational framework in which users and families of the Basic Social Care Services (SBAS) of the city of Barcelona are attended and accompanied. It is the institutional context and the organizational dimension that makes possible the action of the professionals in the attention to the social needs of the users and the families, as well as their participation in this process. The article presented is part of the first phase of participatory research [Re] We think about the participation of families: Diagnosis and intervention proposals in the Basic Attention Services of people in the city of Barcelona (2019-2022) carried out by the Group for Research and Innovation in Social Work (GRITS) of the University of Barcelona. The research design is qualitative, with a participatory-research pproach in which all the actors are recognized. For data collection, the tools of the individual interview and the discussion group have been used. The results of the study are presented from the categories of participation strategies from the local perspective, the methodological adaptations to favor participation, and the role and responsibility of the agents of the system. Finally, the main conclusions of the re - search are argued and some proposals are made to improve the participation of families in social services. The need to implement participatory methodologies in SBAS is confirmed at all levels of individual and family, group and community intervention. In addition, that to build inclusive cities, it is necessary to implement policies focused on creating social ties ​
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