Impacte psicològic de la pandèmia causada per la COVID-19 en els estudiants d'infermeria: projecte finalitzat

Masot Arjona, Maria
Introduction: Several studies have found that university students in the health branch have suffered psychological consequences due to the pandemic, showing an increase in levels of depression, anxiety and stress. Nursing students are a group closely related to the current pandemic given their branch of knowledge and health training and this fact may have been influential in that there has been a psychological impact amongst them in recent months. On the one hand, the outbreak of the pandemic has resulted in many students being asked to start working in numerous hospitals and health centers around the country under high hospital pressure despite their incomplete training. On the other hand, the shift from the traditional learning model to e-learning has led students to call into question the learning process concerning practical and clinical skills and its potential negative impact in their future entry into the workplace. Objectives: To determine the psychological impact, concerns and changes in nursing students’ habits due to the depression, anxiety and stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic ​
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