Nonlinear complexification of periodic orbits in the generalized Landau scenario
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We have found a way for penetrating the space of the dynamical systems toward systems of arbitrary dimension exhibiting the nonlinear mixing of a large number of oscillation modes through which extraordinarily complex time evolutions may arise. The system design is based on assuring the occurrence of a number of Hopf bifurcations in a set of fixed points of a relatively generic system of ordinary differential equations, in which the main peculiarity is that the nonlinearities appear through functions of a linear combination of the system variables. The paper outlines the design procedure and presents a selection of numerical simulations with a variety of designed systems whose dynamical behaviors are really rich and full of unknown features. For concreteness, the presentation is focused on illustrating the oscillatory mixing effects on the periodic orbits, through which the harmonic oscillation born in a Hopf bifurcation becomes successively enriched with the intermittent incorporation of other oscillation modes of higher frequencies while the orbit remains periodic and without the necessity of bifurcating instabilities. Even in the absence of a proper mathematical theory covering the nonlinear mixing mechanisms, we find enough evidence to expect that the oscillatory scenario be truly scalable concerning the phase-space dimension, the multiplicity of involved fixed points, and the range of time scales so that extremely complex but ordered dynamical behaviors could be sustained through it
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