La catedral de l’Empordà: Mestres d’obres i artífexs a Santa Maria de Castelló d’Empúries

Freixas, Pere
The stubborn and persistent determination of the counts of Empúries to retrieve its diocese lost from visigothic times entailed the presence in Castelló of the most notable architects and craftsmen active in Catalonia at the time. The counts, the university and the elites in Castelló did not spare any efforts when they decided to build and adorn a large building comparable to the Catalan romanesque cathedrals which were in a refurbishing process towards the year 1300—like many other important churches in the country—using the new building technology called gothic that appeared towards the middle of the 12th century in the Île-de-France. The activity in the town of the main architects and craftsmen who took part in the cathedral project of Santa Maria is gathered in this text ​
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