Problèmes de stratigraphie linguistique dans le poème de Peire .W

Talfani, Camilla
The article proposes a new linguistic analysis of a narrative text in Old Occitan, that is transmitted only by the troubadour chansonnier R (Paris, BnF, fr. 22543). The text, that in the manuscript witness shows the lack of the rubric and some gaps, tells of an allegorical journey narrated by its author-protagonist who, in the dialogues, is called Peire .W. Specifically, the research focuses, from the perspective of linguistic stratigraphy, on the emergence of at least two different linguistic levels, that we can distinguish thanks to the coexistence of linguistic elements incompatibles with a same geographical area. One of these linguistic layers seems attributable to the author himself, whereas the other linguistic elements depend on the scribes responsible for the tradition of the text ​
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