Augmented film narrative by use on non-photorealistic rendering: from 3D cinema to virtual reality

Fajnzylber Reyes, Victor
It is stated that non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) triggers specific ocular behaviors that can have a real effect on the way of perceiving a cinematic narrative. The transdisciplinary interest of this thesis lies in the fact that the concept of “film narrative” is not something exclusive to cinema, but that can also be conceived as a set of audiovisual procedures applicable to virtual reality and video games. The fundamental idea is that NPR post-production provides a visual style that can modify the way of perceiving a narrative, beyond the audiovisual format where it is applied. The empirical research process is made up of three stages: (1) we questioned about the possible influence of NPR on cinematic perception in 2D cinema and stereoscopic 3D photography; then (2) we were interested in the ocular behavior, attentional and pupillary, of 27 viewers faced to a film produced in stereoscopic 3D format with NPR post-production, and finally, (3) we projected these results to study their application in the production of stereoscopic 3D virtual reality ​
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