Mass media contra bandolers: 'A foc i a sang' o Serrallonga i l'últim plec en català
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The only surviving pamphlet in Catalan on the outlaw Joan Sala, alias Serrallonga, published in Barcelona in 1634, is the last known Catalan-language pamphlet on the subject of banditry and is an example of how feelings toward such outlaws depended on the language employed, the intended readers and, ultimately, the publishers' purposes. Controlled or encouraged by the authorities, the Catalan verse in this pamphlet ―meant for readers engrossed by the phenomenon― is overwhelmingly negative towards Serrallonga. In contrast, Spanish-language pamphlets printed in Barcelona at the time of his capture in 1633, and another published in Madrid in 1635, sparked a growing idealization of the bandit, partly in parallel to a similar trend in Baroque literature. The Spanish verse printed in Barcelona was likely aimed at a very different readership within Catalonia, or else exported beyond Catalan territory. The text of the 1634 Catalan pamphlet is published in Appendix I. The circumstances of Serrallonga's capture on October 31, 1633, are discussed in Appendix II