Qualitat de vida de les persones amb dolor lumbar crònic i factors associats
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INTRODUCTION: Chronic low back pain has a major impact on the quality of life of those affected, making it difficult to carry out basic activities of daily living. OBJECTIVES: The overall aim was to study the perceived quality of life of people affected by chronic low back pain and associated factors based on sex. METHODOLOGY: Longitudinal, observational and prospective design. RESULTS: The mean age was 62.56 years. The mean pain intensity were of moderate severity. People showed a negative perception of health. Severe functional limitation. The active coping strategies of participants decreased during the study, and a significant increase was observed in passive strategies and in catastrophizing. A direct relationship between resilience and quality of life and an inverse relationship were observed in the intensity of mean pain and passive strategies with quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: The chronification of low back pain makes it difficult for people to adapt to life at a biopsychosocial level. People with higher levels of resilience and more active coping strategies showed a significantly better perception of perceived health and health status in general
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