Lexicografia catalana siscentista: el Gazophylacium Catalano-Latinum, de Joan Lacavalleria i Dulac
Text Complet
This dissertation is devoted to the study and partial edition of the Gazophylacium Catalano-Latinum by Joan Lacavalleria Dulac, a Catalan-Latin lexicographic thesaurus published in Barcelona in 1696 that constitutes the most extensive and exhaustive collection of Catalan lexicon of the seventeenth century.
This work begins with a historical search around the members of Lacavalleria family and their time. Secondly, the sources used by Lacavalleria are identified and the extent of their followup is studied in the elaboration of the Gazophylacium. Thirdly, the elements that make up the structure of the thesaurus and the nature of the vocabulary it contains are analyzed. Fourth, an account on the reception of the thesaurus and its subseqüent influence over Catalan lexicography and linguistics is given. Fifth, the adopted criteria for the critical edition of the selected texts are reported. Finally, I offer the texts edited according to the ecdotical criteria aforementioned
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