La pandemia COVID-19 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: estrategias para la reconversión de los destinos turísticos de masas españoles = COVID-19 pandemic and the Sustainable Development Goals: Strategies to Spanish mass tourist destinations restructure

Th e recent COVID-19 pandemic has put the mass tourism sector in Spain in check. Th e measures to contain the spread of the virus have led to the loss of millions of euros and thousands of jobs in the sector. Th ere are three factors regarding mass tourism management that make the sector even more fragile, jeopardizing its recovery once the pandemic is under control: currently, tourist destinations cannot yet guarantee physical distance, their work structure is not inclusive, and there are not enough multi-sector global alliances. Th ese three circumstances do not allow the sector to be more resilient and able to face future outbreaks. Th e United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are, today more than ever, essential for the adaptation of the sector to new post-COVID-19 phases. Th us, with a strategy based on objectives 3, 8 and 17, the sector will move towards healthier, more inclusive and more cooperative tourist destinations, being able to face new outbreaks and even future health crises ​
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