La tragicomedia, un problema sin resolver de exégesis aristotélica
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The publication of Il pastor fido with the subtitle of “tragicomedy” provoked a strong
theoretical debate between the defenders and the opponents of the new genre, not treated
in Aristotle’s Poetics. Some of the arguments that were used by ones and the others
had an impact on the controversies about the comedia nueva in the early 17th century
in Spain, where Guarini’s work was well known. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the
comedia nueva was soon assimilated to tragicomedy, Spain did not develop a systematic
and coherent analysis, on Aristotelian basis, in order to justify or refute it, similar to
Guarini’s polemic against Giason Denores. The comparison between the ideas of these
two authors and those of Francisco de Cascales and other contemporary Spanish Aristotelian
theorists shows clearly the limitations of literary thought in Spain