Optimització d'extracció de diluents no reactius en tintes / adhesius aplicats sobre substrats per a envasos flexibles

Ricart Ferrer, Josep
The reason for the writing of this doctoral thesis arises from the commitment adopted by COMEXI in order to put its products in the market making his products more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Is in this process of continuous improvement that the company has set the goal to reduce the energy consumption of the flexographic presses, rotogravure presses as well as laminators. All these machines have in common that all of them have a drying system mainly based on forced convection drying, whose consumption can reach values near to 60% of total machine’s consumption. The drying process consists on evaporating the solvent (the more commonly used are acetates, alcohols or water), whose function is to facilitate the application of pigments and resins over the substrate to be printed. The main focus of this work has been put on the study of the drying system between drying decks on a flexographic printer. The improvement and redesign process has been based on achieving an uniform speed distribution all over the length nozzle, as well as improving the balance of the drying deck (reduce the suction flow necessary to collect all the air that is fed into each screen). The redesign process of the screen has been based on experimental measurements made in the available designs of current screens, and their validation by means of CFD simulations done in OpenFOAM. The final design is achieved by using CFD simulations until the obtained results are the expected according to the requirements ​
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