Physical performance and hamstring injury risk factors during the off-season period in footballers: inertial flywheel versus gravity-dependent resistance training methods

The physical demands (high-intensity running and sprinting) of football match-play place footballers at increased risk of hamstring injuries. Some of the negative effects of a hamstring injury such as neuromuscular deficits and a decrease in performance are already known. While previous injury and age are known risk factors for future hamstring injuries, their relationship with the changes in eccentric hamstring strength and performance during the offseason in semi-professional footballers have not been studied. Moreover, a variety of resistance training interventions aiming at improving physical performance and strength are available in the literature, with inertial flywheel resistance training arising lately and providing promising results. The thesis aimed to firstly compare the use of inertial flywheel with gravity-dependent resistance training for improving physical performance and thigh muscle strength and, secondly, to test how previous injury, age and the off-season period affects physical performance and eccentric hamstring strength in semi-professional and amateur footballers ​
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