The relevance of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in obesity and adipose tissue physiology

Comas Vila, Ferran
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), regarded as the third gasotransmitter, plays diverse physiological and pathological roles in the body along with another two gasotransmitters, including nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). Endogenous H2S metabolisms (production and catabolism) take part in both normal physiology and in some human disorders. Manipulation of H2S levels by inhibiting H2S synthesis or administration of H2S-releasing molecules revealed beneficial as well as harmful effects of H2S. However, the impact of H2S in the pathophysiology of obesity and its importance in the physiology of human adipose tissue has been scarcely investigated. Here we aimed to investigate circulating H2S according to obesity, and the impact of H2S on adipocyte and adipose tissue physiology. Altogether, this doctorate thesis provides sound and novel proofs addressing the role of H2S in the pathophysiology of obesity and its importance in the physiology of human adipose tissue, including the discovery of increased circulating serum sulfide concentrations in subjects with morbid obesity in proportion to fat mass, and unravels the importance of H2S-synthesizing enzymes and H2S as a previously unrecognized targets in the modulation of human adipocyte physiology ​
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