El uso del transmedia y las redes sociales por parte de los medios digitales en catalán

The purpose of this research is to study the use made by digital media in catalan of transmedia and social networks. For this objective, the methodology used combines qualitative and quantitative techniques. Thus, the techniques used are case studies, observation and content analysis. The cases analysed are the first six digital media in catalan, according to the ranking prepared by OJD Interactiva: CatalunyaDiari, NacióDigital, Ara.cat, ElNacional.cat, Vilaweb, and elMón. One of the main conclusions reached is that the digital media studied have not yet developed transmedia storytelling strategies in their main social media. The use of transmedia in certain products of the analyzed media is observed and this use is also made in the environment of social networks, although in a very experimental way ​
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