Furthering social exchange theory in the study of resident impact perceptions: three approximations to the limits to tourism growth

Muler González, Vanessa
This thesis links the limits of tourism growth and social exchange theory (SET) through tourism impacts perceptions of residents. SET has been the most widely used theory to explain the perceptions by residents of tourism since their participation in tourism can be understood as an exchange in which they receive benefits in exchange for costs. In its entirety, this thesis explains the limits of tourism growth through the language of SET and aims to confirm certain aspects of the combination of both. Firstly, it confirms that the indicators of the limits of tourism growth do not necessarily coincide with those of SET since the perceptions of residents may be positive while they are reluctant to accept more tourists. Secondly, four social exchange relationships are identified which pair costs and benefits. These relationships have specific links to the limits of tourism growth which suggests that exchanges that involve limited resources may affect social carrying capacity. And finally, it characterizes the role that values play in the exchange system as perceived by residents. It is noted that residents do not only refer to values typical of tourism growth but also the opposite, those of degrowth, and that the latter have an impact on the way residents perceive tourists and the limits of tourism growth ​
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