Análisis de las competencias de los titulados de pedagogía en educación parvularia de la Universidad de Playa Ancha que se desempeñan profesionalmente en contextos educativos vulnerables

This doctoral thesis develops its research based in the analysis of the graduate profile skills and their relationship with the professional performances that the novice professionals graduated from the Early Childhood Teacher Program of Universidad de Playa Ancha performed at their workplace in contexts of social vulnerability. A type of mixed methodology was used, with a descriptiveinterpretive design with the application of a questionnaire and a focus group, to later use data triangulation. The results show that the professional performance of the graduates is influenced by their study plan, indicating motivations regarding job stability in educational spaces that receive contributions from the state, associating it with a social commitment of the teaching profession, as well as the social recognition of belonging to an educational community and ultimately a favorable economic income ​
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