Análisis de la interiorización organizativa de los principales estándares y modelos de gestión de la calidad y excelencia
Texto Completo
This paper summarises the research work carried out under the title "Analysis of organisational internalisation of the principal standards and models of quality management and excellence". It is a Doctoral Thesis carried out as an article-style dissertation with the aim of undertaking research aimed clearly at contributing its grain of sand to the specific line of research in which it is framed. The articles that make up this Doctoral Thesis fall within the ambit of work which, as reflected in this paper, is aimed at analysing how organisational internalisation of the main standards and models of quality management and excellence comes about. We understand that the theme is of relevance and interest for the different players involved in adopting the paradigm of quality management, and was carried out with this aim in mind.
This work was conducted under the Consolidated Research Group of the Basque University System IT763 / GIC12-158 and the Research Group in Process Engineering, Product and Production of the University of Girona
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