Co-creación adaptativa de material educativo para estudiantes con altas capacidades

Generally, High Ability or Gifted individuals show spontaneous and natural performance in one or more domains. Thus, a High Ability student is creative, 2/2 curious and motivated to learn new things. Despite this behaviour, these students may lose interest in their learning process especially when their physical and emotional development is different from their intellectual development (desynchronises). The main objective of this thesis is to help motivate High Ability students into their learning process make them active participants in the creation of their learning material. To achieve this we work three different areas together: High Abilities, Co Creation and Adaptation. With this union we designed a learning material co creation process adapted to High Ability student’s characteristics. In this process the student, his/her family and teacher jointly participate in the learning material co creation, which can be applied in his/her learning process ​
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