On the manufacturing of highly-customized near net-shape medical implants using magnesium alloy sheet
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The purpose of this work is defining a global methodology framework for the manufacturing of medical implants using Mg alloys by Incremental Forming process from the results attained by the authors in this field.
The methodology proposed considers two main steps, an indispensable related to material characterization that includes from the classical and mechanical to spifability testing and it includes numerical simulations. And another one related mainly to implant forming taking into account the best process parameters from the analysis carried out in the previous step. As newness, two variants of the incremental forming process, Single (SPIF) and Two-Point (TPIF) Incremental Forming, are used for the same magnesium implant geometry. Different outputs variables, mainly: Ra, Shape accuracy and Thicknesses, besides Force and Temperature were analysed for comparison purposes