Supplemental Information: [Pd(NHC)(μ-Cl)Cl]2: Versatile and Highly Reactive Complexes for Cross-Coupling Reactions that Avoid Formation of Inactive Pd(I) Off-Cycle Products

Data related to the figures, diagrams and tables of the published article in 'iScience', 2020, 23 (8), p.101377. The archives correspond on the one hand, to a document with the complementary information of the transparent methods of figures S1-S113, schemes S1-S8 and tables S1 and S2 of the article published in 'iScience', 2020, 23 (8), p.101377 and on the other hand, a file with cartesian coordinate data and energies related to "Figure 4. DFT-Optimized Pathway (Relative Energies to Pd (0) in kcal / mol) for the Activation of Catalysts 6, 11), and 12 6 = IPr, 11 = SIPr, 12 = IPr *, [Pd (NHC) (m-Cl) Cl] 2" from the same published article mentioned above ​
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