Sobre las normas irregulares: un aspecto de la realidad jurídica
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This doctoral thesis is an analysis of irregular norms, that is to say, norms which do not comply with the conditions for creation of norms established by the law-making rules of a legal system. The aim of this research is to provide a conceptual framework which allows to explain, from a legal theory perspective, the fact that irregular norms produce or may produce legal effects when they are used as foundation of decisions taken by law applying organs. In order to do so, I will review the legal theory concepts involved in this discussion, as well as the main answers given to this matter by the legal literature. In the last part, I will propose the elements that I consider essential to the concept of irregular norm. The reasons developed throughout this research are aimed to demonstrate its main thesis: irregular norms are part of the legal reality and their analysis is closely linked to the configuration of the regularity control mechanisms of a particular legal system
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