Depresión, ansiedad y calidad de vida percibida en pacientes fumadores con ictus agudo

Almost all people with stroke have vascular risk factors that influence the risk of developing this disease, many of which can be modified. The study included 115 smokers hospitalized at Dr. University Hospital. Josep Trueta from Girona (Catalonia, Spain) after suffering an acute stroke. Has studied the prevalence of anxiety and depression in people who smoked before suffering a stroke, following up at 3 and 12 months to find out the mental health and smoking status of participants and the impact these have on their quality of life. The people studied had some vascular risk factors, especially hypertension and dyslipidaemia, most of the sample were men under 60 years of age. Smokers were more anxious than non-smokers. With regards to depression, at 3 months non-smokers had higher scores, whereas at 12 months it was smokers who had higher scores. Quitting smoking had a positive effect with less anxiety and depression at the end of follow-up. In addition, the people who reported the highest perceived quality of life at the end of the study were the least depressed ​
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