Anàlisi de la competència motriu en els adolescents: millora a través d'un treball neuromuscular integrat
Texto Completo
Motorincompetence in adolescence has a very direct association with physical inactivity
and increased risk of injury. The aim of this study is focused in two parts: analyze
Fundamental Motor Skills in teenagers and study the effects of an Integrative
Neuromuscular Training program. In this way, we will answerthe hypothesis ofthe study
evaluating if this type of program can improve the level in motor skills and sports
performance in young people, in order to bring them to an active and healthy lifestyle.
To carry out this project, data has been collected from a total of 58 studentsfrom 1r ESO
in the high school Vall de Llémena, from a descriptive study, the level of motor
competence is analyzed in relation to sex, age of maturity and their live style. The results
indicate thatthe boys have betterlevels of Motor Competence than girls, also the period
of growth development is determinant, because the students who are in pre-puberty
stage show the bests results indicating that having an active live style is essential. From
here it has been proposed the idea of introduce an Integrative Neuromuscular Training
in the warm-up in order to evaluate the effects and contribute to correct and improve
her motor skills
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