Efecte de diferents entrenaments en dèficits associats al risc de lesió del LCA en joves futbolistes

Anglada Lloret, Lluís
Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is the most frequent severe injury in soccer, especially in women and adolescents. Adolescents in the last year before Peak Height Velocity (PHV) and during the PHV year are exposed to a very high ACL incidence. Objective: Determine whether training with specific actions of the sport with inertial resistance is more effective at reducing the deficits associated with the risk factors of anterior cruciate ligament injury in young soccer players before or during the Peak Height Velocity year, compared to training with gravitational resistance exercises. Methods: 60 young male soccer players will be selected, 20 for each group (Group Intervention 1 (Inertial resistance, GI-1), Group Intervention 2 (Gravitational resistance, GI-2) and Group Control (GC)). The first week there will be some assessments to determine the PHV and familiarization, that it will be performed the following week. The intervention will last for 8 weeks, with 2 sessions per week. Results: The expected results, as for the asymmetries, the GI-1 will shows a reduction of asymmetries of 1.51%; the GI-2 of 1.23% and the GC of 0.35%. In the "Tuck Jump Test Modified" score, the GI1 will shows an average reduction of the items of 3.7 points; the GI-2 by 5.25 points and the GC increased by 1.05 points. Conclusion: According to the expected results, the hypothesis isn’t fulfilled and we can said that the best intervention would be a combination of both, although we haven’t analyzed it ​
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