"I had him in my head reminding me to persist": The Role of Mentoring in Shaping Immigrant Youth Expectations = "El tenia al cap recordant-me que persistís": el paper de la tutoria en la formació de la joventut immigrant Expectatives
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This study presents data aiming to analyse the educational and occupational expectations of low-status
immigrant students who had participated in a community-based mentoring program in the past. In order to carry out a longitudinal case study follow-up
of the mentees, immigrant adolescents were surveyed
before and after they participated in the program and
again four years later. Data from in-depth interviews
show how mentee’s expectations were shaped by the
role of the mentor or other significant adults. The results suggest the quality of the relationship, the advocating role played by mentors as institutional agents,
how mentors provided social capital skills to mentees,
and the way mentors dealt with the language of the
new context of reception as key features for mentees’
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