Els fonaments de la docència publicitària a Catalunya, a través de l'aportació científica de Pere Prat Gaballí
Texto Completo
Advertising in Catalonia originated thanks to Catalan pioneers´ business
vision, instinct and tenacity. One of the principal pioneers of the modern
Catalan advertising was Pere Prat Gaballí (Barcelona, 1885-1962). His methods
and advertising knowledge, were initially based on scientific fundaments,
with the purpose of introducing modern advertising in Catalonia. Likewise, we
can consider him to be a science communicator in Catalan advertising theory
with international recognition.
However, in the year 1915, Pere Prat Gaballí was the first to realize the
first subject of advertising at La Casa Llotja de Mar. In addition, we
considered him as introducer of new rational argument to advertising, based
on psychological approach, and this makes obvious especially at the lessons
explained in mercantile class, during the course of 1915-1916, as well as
through a series of writings: La publicidad of nuestro tiempo (1915) and, in
an outstanding way, Una nueva técnica: la publicidad científica (1917),
edition of the course of 1916-1917, that is considered the first Hispanic
work devoted to advertising discipline. Lastly, the research of the doctoral
thesis focuses on the origins of the fundaments of teaching about advertising
in Catalonia
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