Coneixements i actituds dels estudiants d'infermeria davant la donació de medul·la òssia: projecte de recerca

Matés Oller, Mar
Introduction: Bone marrow transplantation may be the only hope for those diagnosed with leukemia or other blood diseases. According to data from the Josep Carreras Foundation, the probability of these patients to have a compatible sibling is only 25%, and the probability of finding a relative who is one is 5%. When they do not have a related donor, the goal is to find a compatible unrelated voluntary donor. The existence of myths and beliefs in relation to the bone marrow donation process can develop into a limitation towards obtaining a high number of donors that will be essential to save many lives. The participation of nursing professionals is essential to give visibility and success in donation campaigns, and consequently, an increase in awareness among students of the Degree in Nursing could lead to a better attitude towards bone marrow donations. Objective: To identify the knowledge and attitudes of the Nursing Degree students of the University of Girona regarding bone marrow donation. Methodology: Descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study. The study population will be the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of the Nursing Degree at the University of Girona, made up of a total of 545 people. The instrument used is an ad hoc questionnaire with 3 sections: sociodemographic data, knowledge test, and attitude test. The data will be processed with the SPPS computer program, where the quantitative data will be analysed using frequency and percentage tables, and the usual centrality (mean and median) and variability tools (standard deviation and total range). For the crossing of categorical variables, the Chi square independence test and the Student T will be used ​
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