Biofilm responses to flow intermittency in Mediterranean rivers
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Currently, global change is promoting the spatiotemporal occurrence of temporary streams, altering fluvial ecosystem function and structure, and the ecosystem services they provide. To effectively protect fluvial ecosystems, a detailed understanding of the effects of hydrological regime changes on their biodiversity and functioning is needed. Organisms inhabiting temporary streams are directly affected by their hydrological regime, including the stream biofilm. Biofilms are associations of microorganisms and they are of particular relevance in temporary streams because of their diversity, abundance, and key role in ecosystem processes. Therefore, understanding biofilm response to hydrological regime variability is key to understand the implications of increasing non-flow periods on fluvial ecosystems. The results of this thesis demonstrate the non-flow duration as a key influence on the structure and functioning of river biofilms, the importance of maintaining photoautotrophic stream biodiversity to preserve stream ecosystems functioning and the protective role of canopy cover to protect these communities
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