Stiffening Potential of Lignocellulosic Fibers in Fully Biobased Composites: The Case of Abaca Strands, Spruce TMP Fibers, Recycled Fibers from ONP and Barley TMP Fibers

Biocomposites are composite materials where at least the matrix or the reinforcement phases are obtained from natural and renewable resources. Natural fibers for composite preparation can be obtained from annual plants, wood, recycled products, or agroforestry waste. The present work selected abaca strands, spruce fibers, recycled fibers from old newspaper, and barley fibers as raw materials to produce biocomposites, in combination with a biobased polyethylene. One very important feature in material science and for industrial applications is knowing how a material will deform under load, and this characteristic is represented by Young’s modulus. Therefore, in this work, the stiffness and deformation of the biocomposites were determined and evaluated using macromechanics and micromechanics analyses. Results were compared to those of conventional synthetic composites reinforced with glass fibers. From the micromechanics analysis, the intrinsic Young modulus of the reinforcements was obtained, as well as other micromechanics parameters such as the modulus efficiency and the length and orientation factors. Abaca strands accounted for the highest intrinsic modulus. One interesting outcome was that recycled fibers exhibited similar Young’s moduli to wood fibers. Finally, agroforestry waste demonstrated the lowest stiffening potential. The study explores the opportunity of using different natural fibers when specific properties or applications are desired ​
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