Estrategia, relaciones públicas y comunicación: ¿Un matrimonio de conveniencia? Lo que le falta, hoy, a la comunicación estratégica

In this article it is pretended to verify the Fifth change proposed by the New Strategic Theory based in a new paradigm. It is produced in the specific discipline field of Public Relations, in order to verify the opportunity, validity and pertinence of such a change. This was made by a bibliography review of the Public Relations Theory, matching in time with the gestation and diffusion period of the NTE (2001-2012), which allowed us to verify that the Fifth change proposed by the New Strategic Theory had been produced, in the same conditions in the analyzed period for both disciplines: Strategy and Public Relations, as in the role that communication play in both fields. So we concluded that Strategy and Public Relations are mutually constituted and linked by the intervention of communication and then, that link goes beyond the consideration of a simple convenience marriage so we can propose what is there to do in the field of Strategic Communication ​
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