Análisis de Sentimiento de la agenda de los partidos políticos españoles en Twitter durante la Moción de Censura de 2018: un enfoque de datos composicionales

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In this article we provide an analysis of the sentiment of the political parties' discussion on Twitter, about the 2018 motion of no confidence to the Spanish government. In particular, we extracted and analyzed 2824 tweets from the official accounts of the 13 political parties represented in the Congress of Deputies. In its methodological development we apply a compositional data analysis and its visualization through the biplot (a visualization tool that allows to contrast the relative importance of the elements under study). Unlike traditional approaches, our study emphasizes the relative importance of the issues within the agenda, while incorporating a third component, the analysis of sentiment. The main findings of this research concern the reliability of the method to represent compositionally the agenda and the agendasetters, as well as the sentiment analysis, confirming that the issues that are most notably associated with certain parties, also are so with their projection on sentiment. In sum, this analysis sheds light on the representation of sentiment in the agenda-setters (attribute agenda), especially in the field of political communication ​
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