La violència del sistema de protecció a la infància i l’adolescència, una descripció

Shaimi, Mostafà
This text presents some reflections on violations of rights that occur in the system of protection for children and adolescents in relation to young migrants without family relatives in Catalonia. The content of this text is the result of many years of experience working with these young people. On the one hand, the experience of years of work in different types of centers from different professional positions; on the other hand, through direct contact with more than 300 young migrants in the Girona region, who have provided us with a lot of information about the reality they live during the different stages of their passage through the system of protection for children and adolescents: when they are within the system of protection, and when they are expelled, abandoned on the street and condemned to marginalization and exclusion; and finally it is also the result of academic and documentary analysis on the basis of which we can argue that there is a systematic violation of the rights of young migrants without family references in Catalonia by the system of protection for children and adolescents ​
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