Incorporació dels aprenentatges del 17A a Ripoll en intervenció comunitària

Riera, Núria
Mesas, Alicia
The authors of the article, professionals who have had to deal with a population broken by the pain and injury of the attacks and the death or imprisonment of the group of young people who committed them, reflect on their work experience and their learnings. The attacks have forced them to question everything they had been doing until then in terms of reception and integration of migrants living in Ripoll. From the initial “what went wrong” to “what we can do from now on”. And in this analysis young people are especially present. The authors explain the field study they began to do after the attacks and to which they devoted two and a half years and more than 1,000 interviews. They also present the ICERT methodology devised by themselves and the actions carried out. They point out the 9 risk factors they have identified and the community work strategies they have begun to develop with the aim of working with all community actors and giving space to the different discourses, with an attitude of open listening and willingness to dialogue ​
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