Aportacions al coneixement de les Guilleries orientals i àrees properes (nord-est de Catalunya) - II

Texto Completo
Contributions to the knowledge of the flora of the Eastern Guilleries and nearby areas (northeastern Catalonia) - II We provide data on plants observed in the eastern area of the Guilleries massif, not previously indicated in this area and that are rare or little known in Catalonia. We indicate Physalis angulata for the first time in the Catalan Countries and we give new Catalan localities of other alien taxa (Cenchrus clandestinus, Eclipta prostrata, Elymus obtusiflorus, Salvia hispanica, Verbena bonariensis, Vitis rupestris, V. riparia and V. ×instabilis). We also provide new localities of Leopoldia matritensis and other little-known plants in the northeast of Catalonia ​
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