Terapia asistida con animales: ámbitos y eficacia: revisión bibliográfica

Alba Arcas, Melanie
Background: Animal assisted interventions are structured activities that involve animals used in educational or health settings with the aim of achieving certain therapeutic benefits or improvements in health and well-being. Animals are being introduced to hospital settings in increasing numbers. Emerging literature suggests that incorporating trained animals to help with medical care and rehabilitation therapies can promote patient engagement, reduce emotional distress, and alleviate some aspects of physiological burden. Objective: The objectives of the review are: to know the areas in which Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) is used; and determine the effectiveness of AAT. Aim: Bibliographic Review. The Cochrane Library, CINAHL, LILACS, PsyInfo and Biomed Central databases were consulted during the months of December 2019 and January 2020. Results: 12 articles have been included in the review: 4 systematic reviews; 3 qualitative studies; 1 controlled clinical trial; 1 randomized trial; 2 observational studies and 1 quasi-experimental study. Conclusions: The results obtained in this bibliographic review have determined that there is evidence that shows that animal-assisted therapies provide numerous benefits to people, both physically and psychologically. The areas in which animal assisted therapies are currently carried out are mental health, geriatrics, hospital emergencies, pediatrics, oncology, palliative care and substance addiction ​
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