Turismo de base comunitaria y emprendimiento indígena. El papel de la gobernanza tradicional en la gestión de empresas de base comunitaria turísticas en Oaxaca, México

This doctoral thesis aims to contribute to the development of an emerging theory of community-based tourism (CBT), defining it as community-driven governance (CDG) and as social entrepreneurship, both analyzed as dimensions of community agency (CA). The research focuses on indigenous communities whose traditional governance (called uses and customs) is directly linked to tourism community-based enterprises (CBEs). A theoretical sample of three indigenous communities is analyzed; despite each case have developed a CBT model, they have followed different processes. This study applied the grounded theory; consequently, this is an inductive and qualitative research, based on constant comparisons. The data was collected through 48 in-depth interviews in four stages, during the 2011-2017 period. The results indicate that in a context of indigenous CBT, there is a strong link between the CDG and the CBE, and that the evolution of both dimensions directly affects the local CBT model. ​
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